About Us

The world's leading AI agency training hub

Greg Squibbs

Founder of StartYourAIAgency.com

So you’re one of those people who clicks around and reads the About page, huh?

Yeah, me too, not going to lie.

If you don't have a clue who I am, my name's Greg.

But here’s the deal. I’m sure you’re not interested in my hobbies, life, friends, what I had for dinner last night or anything else. 

You’re interested in how I can help you.

Thinking, "Who the hell is this Greg guy..."

And I'll be honest with you…

The best information I have is on this free presentation here. It took a long time to put together, and it’s better than 99% of training that charges you money. 

I go into so much depth about building an AI agency that you can get up and running just from that training.

So if you want to know about me and my story going from £30k per year in a dead-end job to £300k+ a year as an AI agency owner, that's the best option. 

Oh, you're still here?

Seen as you're hanging around and obviously prefer the written word, let me tell you one small, relevant story about me.

It’s not a story to brag, show off, or tell you how great I am (I'm really nothing special), but more to document my last few years.

Because the last few years have been an absolute whirlwind for me.

I've quit my job, moved to Dubai, and travelled to seven countries.

It’s all gone fairly fast and I’m still trying to take it all in...

Maybe some of it was luck, some timing, some good decisions… who knows…

What I do know is it all literally came from a few minutes that would change my life.

And I believe it can change yours once you know about it too.

I can trace everything back to that one epiphany I had.

The classic lightbulb moment.

And I'm going to reveal exactly how I arrived there.

Strap in my friend…

So back in 2017…

I was searching for a purpose in life and cruising in the middle lane...

I was working a pretty standard office job at an estate planning company (sexy af, I know).

I basically took the first job I was offered because I needed the money.

And to someone in their early twenties, it seemed like a decent salary.

I didn't consider my options too much because I was young, having fun, and didn't take myself too seriously.

After a few years in the 9-5 cycle, a few things started to come into sharp focus.

I noticed the majority of my money was going on bills and essentials. 

There was hardly anything left for other things, like you know, actually living life.

Here in the UK, we were having a cost of living crisis, so inflation was at 10%.

That means I was losing money and spending power if I didn't get a 10% pay rise.

I couldn't afford nice things.

I couldn't afford to travel. 

I felt stuck and felt like I was just living to work, instead of working to live.

Get up. Go to work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

Then pay the bills at the end of the month.I was working long hours, becoming unhealthy and stressed.

I was going to bed on a Sunday, dreading going to work on a Monday morning. 

I looked around the office and my colleagues were people who’d been stuck in the same place for the last 30 years with big mortgages, cars on finance and heavily overweight.

Is that what the future looks like?
Is this going to be the next 40 years of my life?
When will I get to pursue my hobbies or passions?

People told me I could do these things when I retired. In the UK, the retirement age is currently 68 and keeps increasing.

But by that time, I'd probably be unhealthy and past my best, so to speak.

Certainly not in my prime to live life and explore.

These thoughts ran through my mind all day sat at my desk.

I thought about getting a different job... 

But that would have meant re-retraining in something else, starting from the bottom again and taking a cut in salary.

Plus I'd still be an employee, just at a different company.

This continued until one day when I finally realised it was time to leave the 9-5 life and never return.

It came out of nowhere and hit me square in the face.

See, I'd booked a holiday with my girlfriend at the time.
We were due to fly out on the Saturday. 

And I was driving into work on the Friday (stuck in heavy traffic as usual).

I'd been grafting for months and was looking forward to a week in the sun to recharge the batteries.

Actually, I wasn't just looking forward to it, I NEEDED it.

I needed to get away from that office and get my head straight.

Anyway, I get to work and check my emails.


My stomach turned and I clicked to open it. 

"Dear Greg, Unfortunately, your holiday request has been cancelled for next week, the business needs you in due to short staff numbers."
[manager name]

"What. The. Hell. Is. That"

I couldn't believe what I was reading. I’d been looking forward to it for over six months and had already paid for my flights and hotel.

When I asked them why, they just said there was nothing they could do because they’d recently lost a lot of staff.

And the worst part about it was, I found out that it was completely legal for them to do that.

It was in that 10,000-word contract where I'd signed my life away.

Every cell in my body was telling me to storm out of the office right there and then. But I was paralysed because I had bills to pay. 

I felt ashamed.
I felt used.
I felt like a very small cog in a very large machine.

Don’t cry me a river but…

One of the worst things was having to call my girlfriend to say we couldn't go on holiday. 

What a let-down.

And at that point, once I'd calmed down…

I made a pact with myself to figure out how to leave this job and never let anyone decide what I do ever again.

So I set out to figure it out.

Everyone I had spoken to and everything I had seen pointed in one direction.

Owning my own business.

Any friends or family friends I knew that were 'well' off had their own business.

That's not to say that's true for all business owners.

Running a business is hard, there’s no doubt about that.

But a business owner has a fundamental advantage over an employee.

They have no ceiling.

No matter how hard an employee works, they get paid the same.

The amount a business owner can make is by definition, untapped. 

The harder they work and the more they grow, the more they earn.

That's what I wanted.

I don't mind working hard, in fact I love it.

But I wanted to thrive, not just survive.

I had to try it.

Even if it all went wrong and owning a business didn't work out, I had 40 years to recover and find another job.

But I knew I'd regret staying where I was if I didn't act.

Sod it, I’m building my own business.

So, in the evenings and weekends, I started googling how to make money for myself, how to start a business, how to get freedom, what passive income is, and how to travel the world whilst still earning an income.

If you've ended up here, I'm sure you can relate.

I’d fill my head with information about Amazon FBA, affiliate marketing, Forex - you name it. 

I read books, watched YouTube videos for hours and went into what I call 'sponge mode'.

I'd come across one idea and learn everything about it.

But the deeper I went, the more I found people promoting different business models whilst others would be bad-mouthing them. 

"E-commerce doesn't work, there's no profit in crappy $10 products."
"90% of people never make any money with stocks and shares." 
"95% of businesses fail within the first year." 

All these limitations and knockbacks led to fear.

And that fear stopped me from taking action, just as I was about to begin. 

I was looking for the PERFECT business, which now I know doesn't exist.

"Yeah, this won't work for me." I'd say to myself.

Then I'd come across a new idea a few days later as a new ad popped up, and off I went again.

Alex Hormozi, who has built multiple million-dollar online businesses - calls this the wave.

It’s when someone wants to start a new business, and they find one that looks perfect.

They think they can’t fail or there’s no downside, when in reality EVERY business model has pros and cons.

Kinda like looking at a beautiful mountain you’d like to climb.

You think I CAN do that no problem. 

Everything looks great. The sun is shining.

You get excited and imagine what the views will look like from the top or, in a business sense, all the money you'll make.

You even start doing sums on your phone. "Well, if I sell X products/services per month, I’ll be making $20k easily and sipping beers on the beach all day."

So you start climbing the mountain and soon discover everything is different from what it seems.

You start sweating. 
You don't have the special gear. 
You haven’t bought any water, ffs?

So you look across the valley and see another mountain that looks easier to climb. 

Everyone is climbing up that one and having a blast.

You turn back and head over to that mountain thinking it'll be different this time, and it all starts again. 

That's the wave.

This is the cycle 90% of people wanting to make money online get STUCK in.

Suffering from shiny object syndrome and procrastination.

And I was one of them for a while.

Stuck in another cycle just like my 9-5 job.

I was running around looking for the perfect business without choosing one and sticking to it.

Dread set in. Realism set in. Doubt set it.

All on a consistent basis.

It took me a long time to realise that every business model has drawbacks and problems that need to be overcome.

So I thought, “OK, I will make mistakes. I will need to go through a learning phase. There WILL be ups and downs, and I’m cool with that.”

So I decided to choose one mountain and stick with it UNTIL I reached the top. 

"Sod it, I can do something else once I find success in this first, WITHOUT failure."

So I thought hard about which niche to choose and promised myself to just choose ONE.

But if I’m going to be in this for the long haul and choose ONE niche to go all-in on, what would I choose?

At the time, AI was starting to gain significant traction.

I kept hearing about it in videos, forums and practically everywhere else.

The fact that people were losing jobs because of AI really caught my attention.

I realised that AI wasn’t just a passing trend; it was here to stay and expected to grow rapidly in the coming decades. Predictions indicated it would become a trillion-dollar market, surpassing the GDP of some countries.

I had my answer: AI is my niche.

Since there was no specific guidance available, I started figuring it out on my own. I invested in a few courses, mentors, and attended a few conferences and events, but the training didn’t cover everything I needed. 

I still had to test things and learn through trial and error to see what worked.

And as I was searching for answers I went to one event that led to my breakthrough discovery.

That event was one in London called "How AI is replacing jobs and transforming businesses." 

I'll never forget looking around and seeing people from big tech companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft.

And then there was little old me. I had no right to be there really. I was way out of my depth.

I didn't have a clue how to code or build software and still don't to this day. 

In one of the presentations, the speaker demonstrated some of the most mind-blowing AI software that was being used in businesses to cut costs.

Someone in the front row suddenly raised their hand. 

Little did I know…

That this question would later lead to me a realisation that literally, changed my entire life.

He said “What would you say to business owners that have not yet adopted AI.”

Here was his answer: "40 years ago, when the internet was first born, it took decades for businesses to catch up and get their business online in the form of a website. 

Then came social media, and the same thing happened with that, and it took 10 or 20 years for businesses to catch up and grow their business through social.

"And I will always remember this, he said…

“The businesses that failed to move with the market, were the ones that got left behind.”

And then it struck me: it’s not that business owners aren't aware of AI right now; I mean almost everyone on the planet is, but it’s just that they just don’t understand it. 

Just as they didn’t understand the internet or social media at first.

At that moment, I knew I had to go all-in on AI and get ahead of the wave.

If I could get ahead of this now and learn about what all this new software did and how it can help businesses increase profits, then I could open the door to a new era of untapped opportunity

Let the big development companies do their job of bringing this software to market…

...but then I can be the expert who brings it to the right businesses.

If I couldn't make this work, then nothing would ever work.

Long story short, this is how my £300k AI Automation Agency was born…

Here's the business model if I were to draw it out for you on a napkin.

Pay attention because this is worth its weight in gold.

I approach businesses who have not fully adopted AI (practically 99.9% of companies in the world right now). 

I explain the AI solutions that could bring their business an ROI.

They pay the money upfront and then I use that money to pay the contractors (developers) to fulfil the service. 

This last bit is the KEY.

Because otherwise I would have to learn a lot of techy stuff that I just don’t have time for and soon burn out, which happens to a lot of aspiring agency owners who end up quitting before they’ve even got started.

So outsourcing the work and using the clients money to pay the contractors is key to getting your agency off the ground and scaling.

You will never be able to scale your agency and handle multiple clients if you are the one trying to handle all the fulfilment yourself.

And for it to work REALLY well and keep profit margins high, you need to sell high-ticket services.

Here's how it works…

I sell an AI solution or package to a client for X.

With that money I pay a contractor to deliver the solution.

X-Y = profit

Over the next few years, I discovered that this was the FASTEST way to build a long-term, AI-driven business without actually knowing how to build software or having hundreds of thousands in savings to invest in it. 

Fulfilment is the biggest time expense an agency has. 

Outsourcing this immediately gave me time to focus on the biggest ROI tasks like finding new clients and selling. 

Then, once I sold a new client, I could hand off the work and move on to the next. 

Because the software and knowledge already exist…
You can literally buy it off a virtual shelf. 

Plus I could use these solutions and use them in my own business to save even more time and make more money.

AI is one of the best industries to apply this automated method to, in my opinion.

It's virtually brand new, untapped, and it takes one look at the graph to see it’s the fastest growing industry man has ever seen...

Businesses WANT to invest in it because they DON’T want to get left behind.

And because AI has the power to actually bring money into their business, they'll pay high prices.

I’ll never forget the first sale. It was worth £3000 to add AI to an AirBnB business.

I conservatively predicted the solution I pitched could save £30k-worth of man hours (annually) and increase efficiency within their business.

I then paid a developer £500 to implement the solution and deliver it to the client.

They loved it and asked what other AI suggestions I had.

£2500 profit for a few hours of work, if that.

My mind was blown that I could actually do this and make a month’s salary in a few hours.

It felt a million miles away from my job at the estate planning company where every decision was practically made for me.

A few days later, I sold another project to a B2B company who wanted an automated outreach system where the AI personalises each message. 

I quoted them £5k to see what would happen and they said yes immediately.

It was my best "aha" moment where I thought “this s*it actually works.

”And because AI was in high demand, it wasn’t a hard or cringy sell. 
I couldn't believe what was happening.

And I'd repeat that process time and time again for the next few years.

I knew it was time to explore AI in depth. I studied the terminology, how people were using it, and how businesses were using it.

I looked at the science and technical aspects behind how it works.

Even though I always planned to get contractors or software to do the heavy lifting…

I realised that knowing how AI works and its potential would be a great benefit. 

I could sell better and more expensive solutions, manage contractors better, and automate even more, as I knew what software to leverage.

A business owner must always understand how their business works, even at a fundamental level.

A football coach can't tell others how to play if they don't understand the game or its rules.

I still run my agency today, and the projects are often in the five-figures…

And I also run the 'Start Your AI Agency' where I documented exactly what I would do if I had to restart my agency from scratch and make multiple 6 figures per year.

This is unlike anything anyone else is teaching at the moment.

As I said earlier, the majority of ads you'll see are still pushing SMMA, e-commerce, Forex, and other industries that have been around for decades.

Those are all highly saturated markets.

The AI Automation market is just getting started…

We've got students making £10-20k using the same system I explained above.

And they have more free time than ever to enjoy life whilst running their agencies. 

Taking back control of their future.

Most of them were in the exact same position I was in…

Until I gave them the knowledge they needed. Now we're building a mini-revolution.

Maybe you’ll find out more, maybe you won’t - I’ll leave that with you.

Anyway, if you've read this far, I congratulate and applaud you.

I told you it was a short story, didn't I? 

Just remember this about AI.

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

Until next time,

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We’re a mentorship program, not a course.

Our vision is to be the central training hub that drives this adoption of AI technology across the globe over the next decade and beyond.

Right now, there is a huge void, there’s not enough Agencies to serve the demand and help businesses adopt this technology.

We're here to change that. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to pivot your career, our program is designed to take you from zero technical experience and turn you into the entrepreneur the future needs.

It’s so much more than a ‘course’, it’s a done-with-you mentorship program.

Founder's image - Greg

My mission is to provide you with the most results-driven and comprehensive training available.

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